Barefoot Medicine Farm
About The Farm
In 2019 our family bought 10 acres in Westminster, MD, which included both pasture and conservation forest. Since then we have been growing into what has been dubbed the Barefoot Medicine Farm.
Our family has always been more comfortable living the 'barefoot lifestyle' and love the benefits of feeling the Earth under our feet. Aside from comfort, grounding down (otherwise known as 'earthing') has been found to change the electrical activity in the brain. So, it not only feels good, but is scientifically proven to be good for you! Simply being barefoot could be considered a type of medicine, but we also pride ourselves on growing our own plant medicine.
We have always appreciated the hard work and fruits of our labors by growing many of the food that appears on our plates. Now we are extending that interest to not only our food, but to many of the herbs we use on a regular basis. Our medicine farm hosts a number of beneficial and powerful plants used in teas and tinctures, but we are also working towards enhancing our environment through growing many medicinal and at-risk native plants in our forest. The Barefoot Medicine Farm is also listed as a botanical sanctuary through the United Plant Savers. We hope to continue to sustainably grow more of the herbs we use and expand our forest gardens to better both the planet and our bodies.
Each year it seems our apiary is growing, which is great for our small orchard located near the hives. Our chickens seem to be doubling, and sometimes tripling! Right now there are 13 happy, free range chickens providing lots of eggs and eating lots of bugs (and sometimes feeding wildlife). Eventually we plan on having some goats as well, which will help reduce the amount of invasive vines having a good old time in our woods.
The herb garden has expanded each year; Amy grows many of the medicinal plants that she uses in her clinical herbal practice. We are now at the point where we are considering selling our herbs to the public. If you've never experienced the difference in locally sourced herbs...it is quite a difference! Seeing the full circle of holistic healing, from seed to plant to medicine is an incredibly powerful experience.
Learn more about Amy and what she does as an herbalist here.
At this point on the farm we hold weekly outdoor yoga sessions and foraging workshops. Other classes and events are help at other locations throughout the Maryland area. The next plan is to construct an earthen structure for Amy to hold workshops, so that we can expand as we include the local community in our love of the land. As teachers, we love the opportunity to educate others about all of the abundance around us, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for our little medicine farm!

Bulk Herbs
In this second year of our large scale herb production, we are learning what grows well, how much is too much, and what works best for harvesting and drying our herbs.
We plan on continuing to expand what we grow in large amount, but all of this has a steep learning curve!
You can find some of the herbs we grow in bulk right now listed below.